My second girl turned 5 earlier this month and we had a great time celebrating her!

She woke up to a table full of presents and the cereal of her choice. She couldn’t wait to open all of her presents and was so excited about everything that she got! I had an eye appointment that morning so Bryan had taken off a few hours of work. He took the kids to get donuts and to play at Wendy’s favorite park!

That afternoon I got busy working on Wendy’s cake. After much debate she settled on a yellow cake with chocolate frosting and lots of sprinkles! We had some friends/ neighbors over that night for pizza and cake and she loved being the birthday girl. Being the second child in a big family isn’t always easy so I love celebrating Wendy when we can!

Wendy is my most introverted child. Her siblings want to play with her all day and she is so great at playing with them until she needs a break and some alone time to recharge. I just figured this out in the last year and giving her some time to herself each day is making a big difference!

Wendy loves being outside no matter the weather. She also loves spending time with her Dad!

Maggie would be lost without Wendy and Wendy is such a trooper and always goes along with Maggie’s shenanigans!

Wendy loves animals but has recently become scared of mid to large size dogs with the exception of Rudy (my parent’s dog).

Wendy loves swimming and the beach and lives in her swimsuit pretty much all summer long!

Wendy can be determined and always wants to do things her way and at her pace. This can be tricky in a large family but we are working on ways to make this work for everyone! 🙂 In the meantime, I love it when she gives me facial expressions like this:

Wendy is becoming such a great hiker! She loves collecting things along the way and does especially great if she or another member of our family is telling a story while we hike.

Wendy is such a great big sister and Hank and Reese are lucky to have her! She has really taken Hank under her wing in the last few months and loves showing him how to do “big kid stuff”.

We always say that Reese is Wendy’s twin just born a few years after her! Wendy loves on Reese all day long and is so excited that we are getting a new baby soon!

Wendy is the sweetest girl and loves giving hugs! She is quick to forgive and move on. She loves to dance and dress up. She loves learning and drawing and building things. She knows all her letters and is learning how to read at homeschool preschool this year. 🙂 She is a daredevil and isn’t afraid to race down a hill on her scooter or to try something new.

We are so lucky to have Wendy in our family! Mama loves you Wendy Rose! I’m so happy that I get to have you as my girly!