Bryan started a new rotation in September with a lot better hours and we were thrilled to have him around more! Our camping trip to Olympic National Park and Wendy’s birthday were for sure the highlights of the month but here are a few other pics worth posting.

Maggie and Wendy both had fun drawing on a new white board and I had to snap a pic of both of their pictures. They both love to draw and it’s fun for me to see them grow and develop in their creativity.

We hung out with some friends one morning and the kids all had fun doing yoga together!

Hank is pretty much done with naps but occasionally can’t stop himself from falling asleep all around the house. The girls decided to make a fort over him so that he could be in a fort when he woke up one afternoon!

I rarely take the kids with me to stores these days but Reese came to Costco the other day and even did a great job of keeping her mask on!

Our neighbors hosted a dress up tea party one morning and the girls loved getting dressed up and wearing make-up!

This is how Hank felt about the whole thing:

My neighbor sent this pic of the kids and after I heard all about the yummy small sandwiches and macaroons!

We gave Reese a fruit leather in her high chair and then looked over to see her sticking them on her face to be silly. She is 18 months now and it’s so fun to see her personality come out!

We started out social distance learning with the school district but quickly transitioned to homeschooling once we figured out how much screen time the social distance learning involved. Homeschooling has been a much better fit and Bryan was excited to make a table, bench, and bookcase for our “school room”. He loves building stuff and staying busy so this easier rotation came at the perfect time!

He also built this little table for the kids play house and let them watch a movie out there one night while eating popcorn and m & m’s.

Bryan loves making good breakfasts and the kids have had their share of pancakes and bacon on the weekends here. Clearly, they aren’t mad about it! 🙂

Bryan is also much better than I am at letting the kids do activities that involve large messes. The kids loved playing with this sand goo on our back porch one day.

Hank has really eaten up all the extra “boy time” he’s had with dad around more. He really wanted a watch after seeing Bryan’s and was excited to go to the store with just Dad to get one!

It’s amazing how different it is around here when there are two parents! September was such a great month and we are soaking up all the extra Bryan time that’s happening this rotation!

We had a good amount of rainy days but enjoyed lots of walks/ bike rides around the neighborhood when the weather was nice. Overall, September was a low key but great month in 2020.