We started the month with lots of excitement for Halloween! The kids changed their minds about what they were going to be at least a dozen times. Here’s Maggie doing her “bunny face” for me (one costume option!) 🙂

We had some mild weather here and went outside whenever it wasn’t raining. Here we are at one of our favorite spots!

The kids were all pretending to be mermaids with some shells they found while exploring.

And this is their favorite place to sit and relax. 🙂

Bryan read them another book by Roald Dahl.

Lots of legos and magnetic blocks were played with.

We went to a park to enjoy the sunshine and the girls found a caterpillar that they were happy to pass around to other kids.

Maggie has had fun working on new drawings.

We went to a pumpkin patch and each kids got to pick out a pumpkin. Usually we stay and do lots of fun fall activities but thanks to Covid we just got pumpkins this year.

The girls and I decided to paint our pumpkins this year and the boys carved theirs. Apparently I never got a photo of our finished products. We will blame this on the fact that I was VERY pregnant during the month!

We weren’t sure what Halloween would be like this year but a lot of people in our neighborhood still handed out candy or left some on their porch and the kids were thrilled. They got WAY more candy than we expected! This year Maggie was a witch, Wendy a pirate, Hank was Batman, and Reese was Batgirl. I haven’t always been a huge fan of Halloween but the kids’ excitement was contagious and they all shared chocolate with me after so I couldn’t really complain.

A highlight of the day was getting a call from this “Grandma” who cracked us all up with her costume and the fact that she stayed in character throughout the Facetime call! Uncle Jake delivers again! 🙂

Thankfully this month flew by because we were all getting eager to meet the seventh member of our family who joined us less than 2 days later.