In April we took a trip down to Southern Utah to escape the clouds and get some much needed sunshine! It didn’t disappoint!!

The kids were so excited to fly on a plane and take this trip. They have all flown before but none of them could remember flying because they were all younger.

Bryan snapped this pic outside the Vegas airport so we could document what it looks like to take carseats, luggage, and 5 children through an airport. Yep, we were tired once we got there but it was totally worth it!

The first stop was to meet up with Mimi and Pop-Pop and to see Bryan’s Grandpa. He has a fun old car that the girls had fun riding in to the park.

The kids were most excited to get into the waterpark that was right behind our rental. Aunt Jenna did a great job documenting all the pool time fun!

Where we were staying was really close to Snow Canyon State park and we had so much fun exploring all the red rock there. It was so different than the landscape we enjoy here and we loved it!

Bryan and I got to escape for a fun lunch date one of the days! We rode bikes to a nearby cafe and had fun talking without getting interrupted for an hour. 🙂

One of the reasons that we decided to come to southern Utah was to explore the national parks that were nearby. We went to Zion’s National Park with Aunt Jenna and Mimi and Pop-Pop and had a great time doing a few hikes and just exploring this beautiful area!

We did one last hike with just our fam and it was stunning! We went in the afternoon and it was pretty hot for these kiddos. They weren’t really excited about doing it but we did it and we were all glad we did once we got to the end!

Our babies have gotten good at chilling and sleeping on the go and we are so grateful for that! 🙂

Bryan’s cousin (who we got to know well while living near them in DC) got his mission call and so they came over with his grandparents to open it. It was so much fun to be a part of it. Watching people open mission calls is one of my favorite things ever! Africa is lucky to be getting him!

We took some family pictures while we were there. Being with all Bryan’s family was for sure the highlight of the trip! It’s hard living away but it makes getting together all the more special. The kids loved playing with their cousins and Aunts and Uncles who they don’t get to see very often!

Luckily they get to see their Mimi and Pop-Pop a little more often and they all adore them!

I didn’t get any pics of all the cousins hanging out but here are a few that I did get of the kids having fun with their extended family!

Hank turned 4 while we were there! I can’t find any pictures of him blowing out his candles and eating cake with everyone but he did get this ninja costume from Mimi and was really excited about it!! He’s my favorite 4 year old boy ever!! 🙂

We were sad to say goodbye when everyone took off on Sunday but we were excited to go explore Bryce Canyon National Park. It was stunning and one of my favorite places that I’ve ever visited!

The hike through it was incredible. None of the kids even complained because it was so unique and fun and different from where we live.

We were supposed to fly out Monday morning but had a flight mishap and ended up getting to stay an extra day! It was a rainy day so we checked out a local dinosaur museum that the kids all loved!

Vivi wasn’t too happy to “ride” the dinosaur but she’s a good sport!

On our way back to the Vegas airport we stopped and explored a state park in Nevada called Valley of Fire.

It felt like we were in a Dr. Suess book!

It was such a fun park to explore and the perfect way to end our trip. I never imagined enjoying southern Utah as much as I did. We will for sure be back to explore more! There is sunshine, plenty of hikes and fun outdoor things to do, and close to family! We are so grateful that all Bryan’s family made the trek down so that we could spend time with them while also getting to explore a new place.