Our neighbors (Kurt and Krystal) and former neighbors (Mateo and Jen) invited us to go to a cabin for President’s weekend to play in the snow. All of our husbands are residents and amazingly it worked out that all 3 of them had the weekend off!

When we got up there, there was not as much snow as we hoped but we decided to make the most of it and sled down the patches of snow that were around the corner from the cabin that we stayed at. The kids didn’t even mind that it was raining (hence the wet snow clothes in the picture below!)

Here are a few action shots. The kids had a blast sledding and we stayed till they were too exhausted to go down any more. Which may have been a bit too long because the 5 minute walk to get there took 20 minutes on the way home! 🙂

The cabin that we stayed out was really nice and it was the perfect size for our three families. The kids had a blast just hanging out and playing with each other.

Here is Hank with his buddy Harvey. They are only 2 weeks apart and have so much fun playing together!

All the little girls eating breakfast!

And here are the little kids playing with each other.

Group shot of most of us hanging out in the basement. The kids pretty much lived down here while we were at the cabin.

The adults had fun playing games during the day when the kids were being good.

But mostly we stayed up way too late every night playing games and it was SO fun. Our favorite game ended up being Code Names and we played that one all three nights that we were there. I love playing games so I was pretty much in heaven every night up there! Not even my tired eyes could make me go to sleep early.

We woke up the next morning to a bunch of Elk outside our window and snow!

There was an ice skating rink in the community that our cabin was in. Most of the group went skating but I stayed back at the cabin and read while the little kids napped. Here is Maggie and Finley skating!

The girls love to skate! They have both been before as it’s been a tradition for Bryan to take them a few times each winter.

The kids were also big fans of the hot tub in the backyard of our cabin!

Our last morning we woke up to an amazing sunrise and so much snow. It really was stunning where we stayed.

Here is the view off the balcony with all that fresh snow.

Unfortunately, Jen and Mateo had a flight to catch that morning (they are now doing a fellowship in Texas). We were sad to say goodbye but happy to snag our one and only group shot before they left.

Then we were off to sled down the hill by our cabin that was now covered in snow!

Maggie went down the mountain dozens of times. I was tired just watching her trek up and down the hills but she loved it!

I love this picture that Krystal took. I’m obsessed with snow and pine trees. It’s one of my favorite parts of living in the PNW.

I’m so happy that Bryan had the weekend off and that we got to make such fun memories with our kids and with our neighbors. It’s little weekends like this and friends that can relate that make residency doable. We are so lucky that we’ve made such great friends here and are glad we still have a couple more years to explore the PNW!