We were stuck inside for so much of January that we went outside pretty much everyday that it was dry and above 40 degrees in February. The second weekend in February we got a glimpse of some sunlight and headed to a nearby state park that we hadn’t yet explored.

It ended up being pretty cold but that didn’t stop the kids from running around exploring.

We found clearing with sunshine so we stopped and ate the lunch we packed. I was pretty cold and thought we should just eat in the car but the kids were all for eating outside. I love that kids love adventure so much that they don’t even mind being uncomfortable. It’s another one of those things my kids teach me often and I’m trying to do better at learning from them.

Reese is pretty obsessed with her dad lately if you can’t tell from this picture.

The kids latest thing has been to race each other. Bryan staggered their starting times so that everyone could win at least one.

Reese learned some new tricks this month including riding this bike.

She also learned to climb the stairs and had lots of cheerleaders waiting for her at the top!

We did some scooter rides around the neighborhood.

My friend, Breba, sent me money with instructions to buy myself this candle for Galentine’s Day. It smells amazing!

Maggie dressed up like an old lady for her 100th day of Kindergarten. She was nervous about doing it in case the other kids didn’t but in the end I convinced her!

I snapped this picture of the neighbor kids and my kids playing school in the backyard one day after school. 🙂 (And apparently at their “school” no one wears shoes!)

Had to snap this picture of the monkey that’s always on my back!

These two have been really into drawing lately and literally spent hours at this table almost every day of February. They were especially happy when a surprise amazon package showed up with dozens of markers that Bryan had ordered for them while at work one day!

Another tooth bit the dust this month thanks to Friday night pizza night! We had been trying to convince Maggie to let us pull this one for weeks so we were thrilled that it finally came out.

Our kids often leave open the car doors which causes the battery to die. After having to ask our neighbor to come jump our car twice this month we finally bit the dust and bought one of these and once it’s connected it starts the car instantly! It’s amazing and so nice to have since Bryan is gone so much.

The last day of February I braved the theater solo with all four kids to see Dolittle. It went about as well as I expected! 🙂 I spent a good deal of time at the back of the theater with Hank and Reese but Maggie and Wendy had fun watching! Luckily, we went to a quiet theater with very few people in it. In the end, I was glad we went. Even though it’s crazy, it always feels good to get out of the house and I like seeing how much I can actually juggle with these four.

Maggie and I set a goal for 2020 to learn how to do the splits. We have been doing stretches every evening that we remember since January 1. It may take us all year to reach our goal but we are having fun doing it and it’s created some good bonding time for me and Mags. This candid picture was taken by Hank or Wendy but I had to post it because it may be the only one we ever get!

That’s a wrap for February. It didn’t rain nearly as much and we started getting excited for Spring to come! It’s always fun for me to look back each month and remember the little things and day to day things that took place. I love having this crew of mine to spend the days with!