Last month my baby turned one! It’s hard to believe that a year ago I went from this…

… getting this sweet baby that is pure joy! We named her Clarese after my Grandma but usually call her Reese.

From the beginning she has been a chill baby. She has been the perfect fourth child for our family!

She has grown up faster than any other kid and I can hardly believe that it has already been a year since this I was taking these pictures.

From the beginning she has slept on the go and spent a couple months while we lived in Spokane sleeping in this carseat all night.

She has gotten roped into doing all sorts of things with the big kids at our house. Luckily she is a trooper and usually happily goes along with all of their schemes.

She’s had her mama wrapped around her finger since the beginning.

But more recently her Dad has taken over as her favorite person in the family.

These three fight over holding her almost daily.

But when they are occupied I get to enjoy her sweetness all by myself.

She has already been on lots of adventures in her young life! She has flown on airplanes, traveled to several different states, and has been to at least 3 national parks. Here she is with Mount Rainier behind her!

She’s pretty much obsessed with being outside and is happy and content every time we go out.

She is a water baby! She loves taking baths and swimming and would be content to stay in all day. She recently discovered she can stand next to my bathtub and turn on the water, so she does it EVERY TIME she comes into my bathroom. 🙂 Luckily, she is too small to climb in by herself.

She loves sweets and has gotten way more than her older siblings got when they were her age. I couldn’t resist making her this Reese’s cake for her first birthday because it was just too fitting!

I wasn’t sure how a fourth child would change the dynamic of our family but one year later I can say that we all wouldn’t know what to do without her! Reese lights up every room that she’s in and none of us can resist smiling when we are around her. When I was pregnant I worried that I might feel too tired and overwhelmed to enjoy her as much as I wanted to but I can honestly say that I enjoy her more! I now know how fast this baby stage goes and I’m trying to soak it all in as much as I can.

We love you Clarese. It’s crazy that you are already one! You are the sweetest and we feel so blessed to have you in our family.