At the end of April Hank turned 3! I still can’t believe that he was born three years ago. I hear it goes faster with every kid and that has definitely been the case with Hank!

He came just a few weeks before Bryan graduated from medical school and we moved across the country. He was five days early and I still love him for that!

We were smitten with him right away and so excited to have a boy join our crew!!

His blue eyes, dimples, and lips have had us all swooning since he was a baby!

From the beginning Hank has been laid back and full of joy. He starts each day early and full of energy and enthusiasm!

He has been obsessed with balls, sports, and his Dad since he was old enough to walk and talk. He will sit at sporting events or on Bryan’s lap watching a ball game for far longer than I think he has the attention span for. When Bryan gets home from work he is always greeted by the words, “Want to play football catch?”

These two are buddies for life and I’m so glad they have each other!

Hank learned to talk really early (I blame it on him being stuck with girls all day!) and has so much personality. He is always saying and doing things that make us laugh. The other day he went missing and after calling his name for a few minutes he came out of the bathroom like this and said, “What Mom? Do you want me to stink all day or what?” as he was putting on Bryan’s deodorant!

Hank hates getting in trouble and whenever he gets reprimanded he always says, “I love you” and gives the best hugs. He is our snuggliest kid and always comes and crawls on Bryan’s or my lap.

Hank has the biggest sweet tooth. The other morning Maggie came downstairs with a bag of Costco chocolates and Hank. She told me that she woke up to Hank reading stories on the bed while eating the chocolates. He had snuck downstairs and onto the counter to steal the chocolates and then was upstairs eating them at 6am! If there are treats in the house, you can guarantee Hank will find them.

Hank didn’t have many requests for his birthday. He loves ice cream more than cake so we got him a Cold Stone cake for his birthday. Because of social distancing it was a quiet birthday but Hank got phone calls and packages from his grandparents and we had fun celebrating his special day!

Happy Birthday to my favorite 3 year old! You bring so much joy to our family and we all adore you!