Bryan turned 33 in August and I’ve been meaning to do a post about it ever since. He had a really busy work day so we didn’t get to see him all day (well I think I saw him for a minute when he got home at 10-11pm!) The kids and I woke up early and got donuts from his favorite place. We delivered them to the hospital via Bryan’s co-worker and I told him to make sure everyone knew they were for Bryan’s birthday so that he would at least get some recognition for being the birthday boy! Luckily, it worked and Bryan said that lots of people wished him a happy birthday all day long! He also got some nice texts and cards from family and friends.

The day after his birthday he was on call but wasn’t too busy so we were able to have some neighbors over for cake and ice cream. We couldn’t find the candles so we had to improvise!

Bryan really is the best! I feel like I won the lottery to have him as my husband. He is laid back, happy, and doesn’t have to be asked twice to make some course corrections in our marriage. 🙂

He is the BEST dad ever! The kids all adore him. He uses every last bit of energy he has everyday to make things playful and fun for the kids. I’m always amazed that he has any gas left in the tank after the long days he works but somehow he manages to make the kids laugh every night with his creative bed time stories!

He’s dedicated to his job and learning all that he can to be the best doctor he can be. He’s great at making extra time for patients when needed and he regularly tells me stories of things that he has learned from patients while treating them.

He is always thinking of others. When he’s on away rotations, he regularly Facetimes and calls us and drives home on little sleep to spend time with us. Multiple times this year I have asked him what happened to his dinner/ lunch only to find out he gave it to a homeless person. He also has been known to leave a candy bar or soda from the vending machine for a fellow nurse/ doctor who is having a bad day. He is one of the best people I know at living their faith.

If he is not at the hospital, he makes sure our family is doing something outside that is fun. He always comes up with the best ideas for how to spend his weekends and other time off. I can’t wait till he is done with training and I don’t have to squelch any of his grand travel ideas for us and our family! 🙂

Overall, we are the luckiest to have him in our lives! I think that everyone that knows him feels the same. Happy Birthday to my favorite person! I’m so glad you were born 33 years ago and that we got to carve out a little time to celebrate the wonderful human that you are!